Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Asian Chicken Salad

At one point my life was really hard. I made rice and canned greened beans and ate that every day. Sometimes I would mix in ground beef. It made it greasy and yummy. I would try and save the ground beef for the rest of the week but it was too hard to wait. Mixed with salt it tasted like a real meal. One that I would choose to eat. If I wasn’t so poor. I’m not poor anymore. I don’t walk around wondering where I could live if I lost my apartment. I have friends now. I am educated. I have prospects. I worked a lot this week so I spent the day shopping. First I looked in a used furniture store. It was a fancy used store. A vintage store. They paint their used furniture so that they can charge more for it. I like how the paint looks so I don’t feel bad paying more. But I had bed bugs once so I am still a little uneasy about it. My desk chair hurts so I need another one. I saw lots of good things but my rule is I only buy what I can’t live without. And what I can carry up my stairs. I have friends now. They would help me carry stuff but I don’t like to ask. So I don’t buy much. I walk to the supermarket and I buy lots of vegetables. Fresh ones. Fresh ones are more expensive but I tell myself I have to put my health first. I stress out a lot. I am overweight. My sister had a stroke. I have to put my health first. I am important too. So I buy the fresh vegetables and some frozen. Because. They last longer. And they’re cheaper. And I stress out when I see food going bad. I think about how I can make a big meal with all the food about to expire. Sometimes I make it but something has already expired and poisons the whole batch. I get really mad at myself. I think about it a lot. It is too stressful. So I need to find the right balance of fresh and frozen. Fresh vegetables crunch though. Like French fries. Maybe that’s why rich people are skinnier. People need crunch. I’m working on it. I treat myself to some frozen appetizers and pre-made Asian salad. No chicken. I worry about the chickens. Where are they kept? Are they sad? So I don’t eat the chicken. I can buy the substitute. I got home tonight and treated myself to a yummy meal. I bought nice wine. I won’t put ice in it like my mom did. So I freeze it instead. I made my frozen appetizers and my Asian salad and I watched some tv. I painted my nails and I felt rich. And I only worried about money a little. But I thought about how much I like greasy ground beef the whole time.

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